Sunday, February 27, 2011
A hitter, a pitcher and baseball on trial
Bonds, Clemens about to stand trial
Baseball's biggest stars implicated in steroids use, will face juries on opposite ends of country.
Baseball's biggest stars implicated in steroids use, will face juries on opposite ends of country.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Feds have a strategy for the Barry Bonds trial
Feds outline evidence for Bonds’ trial
SAN FRANCISCO (AP)—Federal prosecutors filed a court document Thursday outlining evidence they plan to submit during the Barry Bonds’
perjury trial next month.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP)—Federal prosecutors filed a court document Thursday outlining evidence they plan to submit during the Barry Bonds’
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Left Field: Top 20 Left Fielders of All-Time
Left Field: Top 20 Left Fielders of All-Time: "When I was writing my post about the All-Left Field Team, it occurred to me how many non-Hall of Famers
I rank higher than those who are act..."
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
A Hall of Fame Vote for Barry Bonds (eventually)
Pinstripe Alley: Will you support Barry Bonds
Rob Neyer: I don't get to vote until (I think) 2019. But yes, I plan to vote for all three of them if they're still on the ballot. Does anybody want to argue that they wouldn't have posted Hall of Fame numbers without steroids?
Alex Rodriguez,
Barry Bonds,
Hall of Fame,
Rob Neyer,
Roger Clemens
San Francisco is getting real tired of the Barry Bonds trial
Barry Bonds trial has finally reached point of exhaustion
The 7½-year itch. The government’s unrelenting attempt to convict Barry Bonds
According to the best reports, the feds are now into taxpayers for $6 million in trying to prove Barry is guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. And they’ll be spending a great deal more.
Read more at the San Francisco Examiner
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Barry Bonds conviction possibilities
Yes, Barry Bonds could very well be convicted
Craig Calcaterra
Feb 16, 2011, 8:45 AM EST
I probably need to clarify a point regarding my assessment of the prosecution’s case in the whole Barry Bonds.
I’ve said many times that I think it’s a weak case. Recently my comments to this effect have been picked up by various blogs and have been characterized as me saying that Bonds is going to skate and the prosecution is doomed. That’s not exactly what I believe.
MSNBC Article
Craig Calcaterra
Feb 16, 2011, 8:45 AM EST
I probably need to clarify a point regarding my assessment of the prosecution’s case in the whole Barry Bonds.
MSNBC Article
What Greg Anderson told former Bonds business partner Steve Hoskins
Anderson: [E]verything I’ve been doing at this point is undetectable.
Anderson: See, the stuff that I have . . . we created it. And you can’t, you can’t buy it anywhere. You can’t get it anywhere else. But, you can take it the day of and pee.
Hoskins: Uh-huh.
Anderson: And it comes up with nothing.
Hoskins: Isn’t that the same [expletive] that Marion Jonesand them were using?
Anderson: Yeah same stuff, the same stuff that worked at the Olympics.
Friday, February 11, 2011
BONDS: Hey Judge, let's forget about that secret recording
SAN FRANCISCO (AP)—In March 2003, Barry Bonds’
business partner and personal trainer stood in front of the slugger’s locker in the San Francisco Giants
clubhouse and appeared to discuss steroids and needles.
The business partner, Stevie Hoskins, secretly recorded the conversation with the trainer, Greg Anderson, and later turned it over to federal investigators.
On Friday, Bonds’ attorney will ask U.S. District Judge Susan Illston to prohibit the recording from being played during the former player’s perjury trial, scheduled to begin March 21 with jury selection.
The business partner, Stevie Hoskins, secretly recorded the conversation with the trainer, Greg Anderson, and later turned it over to federal investigators.
On Friday, Bonds’ attorney will ask U.S. District Judge Susan Illston to prohibit the recording from being played during the former player’s perjury trial, scheduled to begin March 21 with jury selection.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Fed's to Home Run King: The (New) Magic Number is Five
In San Francisco on Thursday, federal prosecutors have cut the number of felony charges Barry Bonds
is facing from eleven to five.
The punishment remains the same for allegedly lying to a grand jury about his steroids use.
Barry Bonds has pleaded not guilty.
The punishment remains the same for allegedly lying to a grand jury about his steroids use.
Barry Bonds has pleaded not guilty.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The Hall of Very Good: Talkin' Baseball with Brad Mangin
The Hall of Very Good: Talkin' Baseball with Brad Mangin: "Every so often, you come across someone and you have to find out what makes them tick. Brad Mangin is one of those guys. You see, Man..."
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A selection of Barry Bonds' comments regarding PED use:
- "Doctors ought to quit worrying about what ballplayers are taking. What players take doesn't matter. It's nobody else's business. The doctors should spend their time looking for cures for cancer. It takes more than muscles to hit homers. If all those guys were using stuff, how come they're not all hitting homers?" -- May 21, 2002, Associated Press
- "No. I don't have to [use steroids]. I mean, I'm a good enough ballplayer as it is. I don't need to be any better. I can't get any better at this age." -- June 2002, On the Record with Bob Costas
- "I never asked. When he said it was flaxseed oil, I just said, 'Whatever.' It was in the ballpark.. in front of everybody. I mean, all the reporters, my teammates, I mean they all saw it. I didn't hide it." -- Dec. 4, 2003, during grand jury testimony, according to the San Francisco Chronicle
- "I don't know Tim Montgomery. I've never met him. When accusations come from someone you don't even know, what can you do?" They'll be talking to my lawyer." -- June 25, 2004 to USA TODAY in response to allegations from a former world-class sprinter that he received steroids from BALCO
- "All you guys lied! All of y'all and the story have lied. Should you have asterisks behind your name? All of you lied. All of you have said something wrong. All of you have dirt. When your closet's clean, then come clean somebody else's." -- Feb. 22, 2005, first public comments after testimony was leaked
- "I don't know if steroids are going to help you in baseball. I just don't believe it. I don't believe steroids can help eye-hand coordination [and] technically hit a baseball." -- Feb. 22, 2005, first public comments after testimony was leaked
- "You wanted me to jump off the bridge; I finally have jumped. You wanted to bring me down, you've finally brought me and my family down. You've finally done it. So now go kick a different person. I'm done. I'll do the best I can and that's about it. [I'm talking about] inner hurt. I'm physically, mentally done. I'm mentally drained. Tired of my kids crying." -- March 23, 2005 on MLB
- "I went through the system. And that's what it is. And that's what I got. I went through the system. I'm in an appeal process right now. I was never convicted of steroids. Do I have any regrets? What happened happened. It's there. It is what it is. I live with it. I'm a convicted felon for obstruction of justice, and that's who I am. I live with it." -- May 29, 2012
- "I gave my life and soul to that game. That's what's heartbreaking. That's the hard part of it." -- May 30, 2012 on MLB
- "Not winning? [the 2002 World Series] It doesn't stick with me anymore. Right now, it's just good to see everyone and have a good time. Win or lost, it's nice just to come home and reminisce with each other." -- July 1, 2012
- "Oh, without a doubt. There's not a doubt in my mind." -- August 6, 2012