Whether Roger Clemens, an early mentor to him, should be in the Hall of Fame:
"No, he shouldn't. I don't believe any of those who cheated should get votes. You never know when they did and when they didn't. I don't know how much was real. That's just me. I don't think anybody who did it should get in.
"Wait, you said [for years] that you never did it? Now [you say] you did? It's the Pete Rose defense. And you got caught the first time you did it? And how about when you [actually] started? That's a whole other conversation. It's just very black and white: They got caught doing it, they're out. Unfortunately, some of my friends and teammates are on that list and it makes me disappointed they made that decision. It doesn't make me like them less. Now,
Barry Bonds? How can you even remotely consider that guy a nice guy?"
Sports Illustrated interview