Updated DEC 12, 2013 5:09p ET The still-contentious debate about Barry Bonds' place in baseball history took another twist Wednesday night, but the latest voice to suggest that Bonds' home run records should include a disclaimer came from a curious…
Saturday, December 28, 2013
I'll take asterisk for 100, Alex
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Barry Bonds to Judge: You didn't hear me! It's Not Guilty!
Major League Baseball's all-time walk leader this week asked a federal appeals court to reconsider its refusal to overturn his felony obstruction conviction.
Barry Bonds has no idea what the court was thinking. But, it wasn't correct thinking in the former star's humble opinion.
Since Barry recently sold his house and has extra cash for his splendid legal team, this seems like the right approach. Namely, to get the felony conviction off his resume.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Barry Bonds ..... ready to serve
"to ask the court and probation officials to permit me to begin serving my full sentence and probation immediately."
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Barry Bonds Guilty as Charged
This week a federal appeals court upheld Barry Bonds' obstruction of justice conviction.
If you remember, back in 2003, this charge was pertaining to the rambling and evasive grand jury testimony he gave (or evaded in giving) about performance enhancing drug use in major league baseball. His answers were so evasive, that you'd have to wonder if he was even listening to the questions. He started talking about his dad and the state of celebrity children as opposed to commenting about PED use.
This federal appeals conviction hold shouldnt' be that surprising.
What is surprising is that few people remember he barely escaped being convicted of a second charge. This was due to one hold out juror with some creative ways of applying her own unique view of the law and the justice system.
So where does barry goe from here? We have some thoughts
Stay tuned
But remember, Barry is now guilty. If you think that this was all smoke and no fire, than you are guilty of something as well. If you think he was innocent than you must think you can talk about anything you want to talk about in front of a federal grand jury.
Friday, September 13, 2013
MLB and the Steroids Era
By Irwin S. Stoolmacher I’m not a huge fan of A-Rod. I have always found the Yankees’ third-baseman to be self-absorbed. However, I think Alex Rodriguez got a raw deal from Major League Baseball with regard to his proposed 211-game suspension. His…
Monday, August 26, 2013
A Dozen Days in the life of Barry Bonds
Joe Blogs: A Dozen Days in the life of Barry Bonds: A lot of people are talking about the awesomeness of Miguel Cabrera … and rightfully so. He’s the best hitter on earth right now. I love wat...
Friday, August 2, 2013
Barry Bonds not pathetic like A-Rod
Alex Rodriguez gets smaller and smaller every day–maybe not literally, but possibly that way, too–and now seems like an itsy-bitsy speck of history lined up next to Barry Bonds, who was dinky in his own way compared to Henry Aaron and Babe Ruth.
Mercury News blog post
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Barry Bonds and Ryan Braun
Comments from various sources, a day after the Ryan Braun MLB suspension.
Not even Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, who were accused of being drug cheats in different forums and brought to court on different federal charges, drew suspensions from MLB. --- JSOnline
A decade ago, the players sat silent as Don Fehr refused to even think about consenting to testing and dinosaurs like Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire terrorized the earth.---CBS Sports
Baseball threw the bum (Ryan Braun) out.---USA Today
Braun is one of the few prominent players in baseball to be suspended for doping. Other star players linked to doping, including Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire, were never revealed to have tested positive and were never punished by Major League Baseball.---NY Times
“I am glad to have this matter behind me once and for all.” Can he be that naive to believe it? Has he not seen what a PED stain has done to Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens and Mark McGwire and Rafael Palmeiro and Sammy Sosa and so many others?---Miami Herald
Monday, July 22, 2013
Ryan Braun suspended for rest of season
As reported over the years, The Barry Bonds Trial blog has always been very doubtful of the stories that Ryan Braun has deliberately spun and re-spun.
He has now been caught by MLB and has been suspended for rest of season without pay.
In the case of Barry Bonds, Major League Baseball let the U.S. government handle the circumstances.
Here's what the Brewers outfielder has said in his Mea Culpa:
"As I have acknowledged in the past, I am not perfect. I realize now that I have made some mistakes. I am willing to accept the consequences of those actions."
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Barry Bonds signed '87 'Say No To Drugs' baseball available on eBay
the other paper: Barry Bonds signed '87 'Say No To Drugs' baseball ...: A rare 1987 Donruss rookie PSA Barry Bonds baseball card signed by the player himself is available on eBay . What makes this card special — ...
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Barry Bonds and Catch-22 for fans
Barry Bonds is a presumed cheater, and Ryan Braun is perceived to be. One is the face of the steroid era, and the other was supposed to help bury it. Ten years ago, one's legacy began to unravel and today, the other's may be over before it even began.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
A New Ryan Braun Scandal: The New Barry Bonds?
"I have nothing to hide and have never had any other relationship with Bosch. I will fully cooperate with any inquiry into this matter."
-- Ryan Braun
Monday, February 4, 2013
The Barry Bonds Appeal Begins
This week, The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued its schedule for this month in San Francisco.
The court showed publicly the three judges assigned to the Barry Bonds case with oral arguments ready to begin on Feb. 13.
The court showed publicly the three judges assigned to the Barry Bonds case with oral arguments ready to begin on Feb. 13.
federal appeals court,
legal ruling
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Barry Bonds helps girls in Alameda
The Barry Bonds Family Foundation has provided Girls Inc. of Alameda County with a $10,000 grant. Girls Inc. provides programs to help poor girls from 5 to 18 years old and helps about 7,000 girls every year.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Barry Bonds: Buy My Beverly Hills Mansion, please
MLB Hall of Fame runner up, Barry Bonds, is selling his Beverly Hills mansion for $25 million.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Barry Bonds reaction to Hall of Fame news: Aloha!
Baseball: Barry Bonds reaction to Hall of Fame news: Aloha!: We haven't yet heard any official word from Barry Bonds and there's probably a good reason for the silence from his camp. The former San Fra...
Ken Burns on Barry Bonds
The Hollywood Reporter: Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds and Mike Piazza are all on the Baseball Hall of Fame ballot. Would you vote for them?
Ken Burns: No.
THR: Ever?
Ken Burns: I want them to suffer for a while.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Larry Baer: the voters need to sort some things out
“This was the decision. It’s difficult. There have been complications in determining Hall of Famers throughout history, and it was more intense this year for sure. I think over time we would hope he’d be considered to be another Giant in the Hall of Fame. We also understand the voters need to sort some things out. That’s what I feel.” --- Larry Baer, President, San Francisco Giants
Hall of Fame Voters send Barry Bonds a message
Hall of Fame Voters certainly send Barry Bonds a message in his first year of HOF eligibility. The slugger got 36.2 percent of the vote, less than half of the 75 percent required for election.
Barry Bonds denied Hall of Fame entry
Barry Bonds
rejected by baseball's
Hall of Fame in today's vote.
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A selection of Barry Bonds' comments regarding PED use:
- "Doctors ought to quit worrying about what ballplayers are taking. What players take doesn't matter. It's nobody else's business. The doctors should spend their time looking for cures for cancer. It takes more than muscles to hit homers. If all those guys were using stuff, how come they're not all hitting homers?" -- May 21, 2002, Associated Press
- "No. I don't have to [use steroids]. I mean, I'm a good enough ballplayer as it is. I don't need to be any better. I can't get any better at this age." -- June 2002, On the Record with Bob Costas
- "I never asked. When he said it was flaxseed oil, I just said, 'Whatever.' It was in the ballpark.. in front of everybody. I mean, all the reporters, my teammates, I mean they all saw it. I didn't hide it." -- Dec. 4, 2003, during grand jury testimony, according to the San Francisco Chronicle
- "I don't know Tim Montgomery. I've never met him. When accusations come from someone you don't even know, what can you do?" They'll be talking to my lawyer." -- June 25, 2004 to USA TODAY in response to allegations from a former world-class sprinter that he received steroids from BALCO
- "All you guys lied! All of y'all and the story have lied. Should you have asterisks behind your name? All of you lied. All of you have said something wrong. All of you have dirt. When your closet's clean, then come clean somebody else's." -- Feb. 22, 2005, first public comments after testimony was leaked
- "I don't know if steroids are going to help you in baseball. I just don't believe it. I don't believe steroids can help eye-hand coordination [and] technically hit a baseball." -- Feb. 22, 2005, first public comments after testimony was leaked
- "You wanted me to jump off the bridge; I finally have jumped. You wanted to bring me down, you've finally brought me and my family down. You've finally done it. So now go kick a different person. I'm done. I'll do the best I can and that's about it. [I'm talking about] inner hurt. I'm physically, mentally done. I'm mentally drained. Tired of my kids crying." -- March 23, 2005 on MLB
- "I went through the system. And that's what it is. And that's what I got. I went through the system. I'm in an appeal process right now. I was never convicted of steroids. Do I have any regrets? What happened happened. It's there. It is what it is. I live with it. I'm a convicted felon for obstruction of justice, and that's who I am. I live with it." -- May 29, 2012
- "I gave my life and soul to that game. That's what's heartbreaking. That's the hard part of it." -- May 30, 2012 on MLB
- "Not winning? [the 2002 World Series] It doesn't stick with me anymore. Right now, it's just good to see everyone and have a good time. Win or lost, it's nice just to come home and reminisce with each other." -- July 1, 2012
- "Oh, without a doubt. There's not a doubt in my mind." -- August 6, 2012