Barry, Barry, Barry. Barry Bonds. What can we say?
Barry Bonds is officially: 0 for 2008.
Zero at bats, zero hits, zero walks, zero home runs. Zero for 2008.
But it is not just about 2008 or the steroids or the charges by the Federal government is it?
It is, and will always be, about one thing.
Barry Bonds.
That crazy, wacko, narcissistic kind of guy that happens to be the all-time home run king in major league baseball history. It is about the quest for #1 and he got there. He sure did. He got the prize he always wanted and now he has 2008.
Barry Bonds is officially 0 for 2008.
We all saw it coming, didn’t we? And it began with Daddy Bonds: Bobby Bonds.
In high school, kids used to drive Barry nuts with comments about Bobby and his love of wine, women and song. Barry took all that abuse and said to himself: there will be a time of reconciliation, a time when he will shut everyone, a time when they will eat their words, a time when Barry will be King. The time would be 2007.
In college, the craziness of the Bobby and Barry Show continued. One afternoon at Packard Stadium at Arizona State University, Bobby Bonds drove a car on the field to talk to ASU coach Jim Brock about all-things-Barry. Later, for some reason, Coach Brock asked Barry’s teammates to vote if Barry should stay on the team. His teammates voted no, "send him packing." Barry stayed on the ASU baseball team.
Then it was the Pittsburgh Pirates, then eventually the San Francisco Giants, and then the record in 2007.
In 2008 it started out promising, since it appeared as if everyone agreed that Barry would be such a great fit with the
Oakland Athletics. When the A’s said no, every two weeks a new trial balloon, a new team was floated in the press to keep the name of Barry Bonds alive. It was the
Tampa Bay Rays, and others, and the
Boston Red Sox, and still others. Finally there were no takers. Finally the season ended.
Barry Bonds is officially 0 for 2008.
Barry Bonds got his wish, his payback, his record in 2007.
Yet, Barry Bonds is officially 0 for 2008.
The stadiums are now quiet, except for the playoff teams. The courtroom is being prepared and the lawyers are as well. Barry Bonds will have his day in court and will be heard.
What will Barry Bonds’ record be in 2009?