"Barry was like, 'Let's do it right here. ... This is Kathy. That's my girl. She ain't going to say nothing to nobody.' ... So Greg shot him in the belly button."
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Barry Bonds Trial Quote of the Day
Personal Assistant: Trainer Injected Barry Bonds in Stomach
Kathy Hoskins, Barry Bonds
' personal assistant (and who has known Bonds since his childhood) testified Thursday that she saw Bonds' personal trainer (Greg Anderson) inject him in the stomach with an unknown substance. This took place in Barry Bonds' bedroom in 2002.
The Trials of Barry Bonds
The Trials of Barry Bonds
The steroid discussion won’t end with the verdict in the Bonds trial. On deck is the perjury trial of Roger Clemens, the best pitcher of his generation, who stands accused of lying, under oath, to Congress in 2008. That’s scheduled to start in July.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Randy Velarde testified Barry Bonds’ personal trainer supplied HGH
Former New York Yankee
Randy Velarde (who last played for the Oakland As
) testified that he purchased a performance-enhancing drug (HGH
) from Greg Anderson, Barry Bonds’ personal trainer, throughout the 2002 major league season.
Greg Anderson,
New York Yankees,
Oakland Athletics,
Randy Velarde,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Giambi: Bonds’ trainer sent me steroids (AP)
Colorado Rockies
first baseman Jason Giambi
says Barry Bonds’ personal trainer first sent him steroids at the end of 2002. Giambi is the first athlete called to testify in Bonds’ perjury trial. Giambi testified that he met trainer Greg Anderson after the 2002 season while both were traveling with a U.S.
Reload Nation: Sports News: Barry Bonds ex-mistress testifies tha...
Reload Nation: Sports News: Barry Bonds ex-mistress testifies tha...: "Barry Bonds ex-mistress’ testimony is crazy to say the least! Gotta check this out!"
Monday, March 28, 2011
Barry Bonds trial developments
Barry Bonds trial developments | The Associated Press | MLB | San Francisco Examiner
Former Bonds girlfriend Kimberly Bell testified for 5 hours, 27 minutes on Monday.
Former Bonds girlfriend Kimberly Bell testified for 5 hours, 27 minutes on Monday.
Meet Barry Bonds' lead lawyer: Allen Ruby
Allen Ruby
Skadden, Arps,
Stanford Law School,
“My dad was a wrestler, and then a wrestling booking agent and a wrestling booking promoter. Way before Vince McMahon. And it was a family business, so I wrestled and announced and did various things in and around the business basically until I went to law school.
The United States calls Kimberly Bell
The United States calls Kimberly Bell. [Barry Bonds
Kimberly Bell posed for Playboy
in November 2007 and has worked for TASER for three years. The relationship with Bonds became romantic in 1994; and lasted almost nine years.
Bell says Bonds would give her $5K or $10K from time to time.
Bell says "one time" she had a discussion with Bonds about steroids.
Kimberly Bell posed for Playboy
Bell says Bonds would give her $5K or $10K from time to time.
Bell says "one time" she had a discussion with Bonds about steroids.
He had an injury on his elbow. "He said it was because of steroids."
"It caused the muscle and the tendons to grow faster than the joint itself could handle. It sort of blew out."
Other players "were getting ahead. That’s how they were achieving...Mark McGwirewas breaking records."
"He said it helped him recover quicker. It helped other people recover quicker."
"Changes sexually, and in performance."
"The shape, size of his testicles were smaller… He had some trouble keeping an erection. He tried some things to resolve that."
"His chest hair was changing and turning gray so he wanted that gone."
Bonds said to her he would "cut my head off and leave me in a ditch." ; He would cut out my breast implants because he paid for them."
Kimberly Bell, very tearful.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The long weekend is here for Barry Bonds and his lawyers
Week One of the trial is over for Barry Bonds and his legal team.
What would you do, if you were Barry Bonds hanging with your legal team over the upcoming long weekend in the Bay Area?
1. Charter a boat with some fans and friends, just for fun, to Alcatraz.
2. Sign some copies of Love Me, Hate Meto pay the legal bills.
3. Take in the Toronto vs. Golden State game Friday night across the bay.
4. Travel to Sausalitoto enjoy some wine and seafood.
5. Rent a theater with some fans and friends, to watch the 2010 World Series.
6. Fill in the blank _____________________________________________.
The Ridiculous Jose Canseco says the Barry Bonds’ trial is “ridiculous”
Baseball historian and legal scholar Jose Canseco
Barry Bonds' ex-business partner wraps up testimony | The Associated Press | Crime | San Francisco Examiner
Barry Bonds' ex-business partner wraps up testimony | The Associated Press | Crime | San Francisco Examiner
Hoskins testified that he loaned former Bonds mistress Kimberly Bell $10,000 to hire an attorney after her own bitter split with Bonds in 2003.
The Barry Bonds Trial: Will Anyone Win?
The Barry Bonds Trial: Will Anyone Win?
The stop-snitching movement is untenable as social policy. Thus, we now hear that Anderson’s plight may still get worse. If Bonds is acquitted, or even if not, the prosecutors in northern California may file criminal charges against Anderson for obstructing justice.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Barry Bonds vs Babe Ruth
Barry Bonds
Day 3 - Steve Hoskins, the trainer, and Barry Bonds
Bonds friend: I saw Barry and trainer with syringe
Steve Hoskins, the government's star witness in the Barry Bonds
perjury trial, said Wednesday that he saw Bonds and his personal trainer, Greg Anderson, leaving the master bedroom and he assumed that Anderson had injected the player with steroids.
Steve Hoskins, the government's star witness in the Barry Bonds
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Barry Bonds v. The United States of America: A blown save for the government | Christian Tappe | Opinion Zone | Washington Examiner
Barry Bonds v. The United States of America: A blown save for the government | Christian Tappe | Opinion Zone | Washington Examiner
People shouldn’t lie, and they shouldn’t lie to a grand jury, but the whole steroids investigation by the government has been flawed from the very beginning. It’s a wild goose chase of sorts with often little evidence, and the evidence they do have is often lacking because of Major League Baseball’s
efforts early on to—I won’t say cover it up—deal discreetly with the situation.
People shouldn’t lie, and they shouldn’t lie to a grand jury, but the whole steroids investigation by the government has been flawed from the very beginning. It’s a wild goose chase of sorts with often little evidence, and the evidence they do have is often lacking because of Major League Baseball’s
Greg Anderson to Judge Illston: No!
U.S. District Judge Susan Illston to Gary Anderson -
Greg Anderson to U.S. District Judge Susan Illston -
U.S. District Judge Susan Illston found Greg Anderson found him in civil contempt and ordered him jailed.
"It's very important that you testify so that the whole truth can some out in this trial."
Greg Anderson to U.S. District Judge Susan Illston -
U.S. District Judge Susan Illston found Greg Anderson found him in civil contempt and ordered him jailed.
Barry Bonds Trial Progresses Past Opening Statements - SBNation.com
Barry Bonds Trial Progresses Past Opening Statements - SBNation.com
So now the opening statementsare all finished. Greg Anderson was then called as a witness, but, as expected, Anderson refused to testify. Judge Illston
has ordered that he be taken into custody for the remainder of the trial unless he changes his mind. Next on the witness list will be Jeff Novitzky.
Prosecutor: Barry Bonds lied when he testified he never used steroids
DAY 2: A federal prosecutor told the jury that Barry Bonds lied to a grand jury when he testified he had never knowingly used anabolic steroids.
Assistant U.S. Atty. Matthew Parrella said:
Bonds is being tried on one count of obstructing justice and three counts of making false statements to a grand jury in 2003.
Assistant U.S. Atty. Matthew Parrella said:
"The defendant was given immunity. All he had to do was tell the truth. That’s all he had to do, was tell the truth, but he couldn’t do it. And the evidence will show that he planned not to do it.”
“Quite frankly, an utterly ridiculous and unbelievable story.”
Bonds is being tried on one count of obstructing justice and three counts of making false statements to a grand jury in 2003.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Current Events with Patrick Cook: Batter Up! Barry Bonds on Deck: Will Prosecutors...
Current Events with Patrick Cook: Batter Up! Barry Bonds on Deck: Will Prosecutors...: "Prosecutors Get Another Pitch At Barry Bonds by Tom Goldman Conventional wisdom says prosecutors — who are trying to prove baseball great B..."
Juror No. 22: "It's an intimate relationship" with Barry Bonds
Judge Susan Illston excused Juror No. 22, when he wrote the following response on the questionnaire about his opinion of Barry Bonds.
[Juror No. 22 is a 35-year-old male from Napa who works at Target.
"I'm a Barry Bonds and I'm a huge S.F. Giantsfan. It's my life. I don't know if I could judge Mr. Bonds after providing me with so much entertainment. It's an intimate relationship."
Dog Eat Dogma: What a Waste of Federal Money Prosecuting a World ...
Dog Eat Dogma: What a Waste of Federal Money Prosecuting a World ...: "Why does the US Government continue placing this mans name in the news just like he wants.Barry Bonds is HISTORY and it seems the GIANT..."
Joe Blogs: The Bonds Trial
Joe Blogs: The Bonds Trial: "So here's the thing: I love courtroom scenes. Paul Newman in 'The Verdict,' and Al Pacino in 'And Justice for All?' Awesome. The jury room i..."
Friday, March 18, 2011
SULLY BASEBALL: What exactly am I supposed to say about the Barry ...
SULLY BASEBALL: What exactly am I supposed to say about the Barry ...: "I have received a bunch of e mails in the last few days asking me what my thoughts are on the Barry Bonds trial. They are ..."
Barry Bonds' Profanity Won't Grace Courtroom - From Our Editors - SBNation.com
Barry Bonds' Profanity Won't Grace Courtroom - From Our Editors - SBNation.com
- - -
- - -
The news media in San Francisco is calling them: "Crabby Voice Mails" that are "allegedly threatening ... messages"
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Barry Bonds: “don’t forget to erase your messages, later.”
..... she forgot to erase them, Barry.
It was a nine-year relationship with mistress Kimberly Bell.
On Wednesday of this week, Federal prosecutors released transcripts and recordings of voicemails Barry Bonds
left for the former mistress.
The recordings went from nice, to profane, to abusive.
Here is a small sample messages from the leading home run
hitter in major league baseball
Roid rage? Maybe. This is the loving boyfriend that bought her a house in Scottdale, Arizona plus countless other gifts (other than himself).
It was a nine-year relationship with mistress Kimberly Bell.
On Wednesday of this week, Federal prosecutors released transcripts and recordings of voicemails Barry Bonds
The recordings went from nice, to profane, to abusive.
Here is a small sample messages from the leading home run
Hello? I’m working out right now, but I’m calling you to wish you a happy, happy, happy, happy Valentine’s, ‘cause you worth all that and all them wishes. Love to you baby, peace.
Hey honey bunny, what’s going on? ... I haven’t called you in a couple of days because I’ve been stuck with one car and I’ve been getting dropped off at the ballpark, and once I get to work, I don’t think about calling nobody.
Yo – pick up the phone. That means you’re not home. That means you’re up to something you ain’t supposed to. I’m supposed to know where you go, later.
I’ll call you a little later after I do this commercial shoot, but they said you were gone, so you better explain to me where the f—- you are!
I’ll find you. Now my blood temperature is rising.
Kim, it’s 6:36. Now I done called three times. You, I mean you can’t even explain it, mother. I’m pissed, ‘cause I already called you at work, so you’re not at f---ing work, either!
Yo! Do not leave that house ‘til you hear from me! Okay? Bye.
Kim, I just paged you, now I’m pissed. F-- it, I don’t give a f-- what, you better just find me. Well, why don’t you just page me, however, I’ll find you. But if I page you, your ass better drop every f--g thing and call me back!
Roid rage? Maybe. This is the loving boyfriend that bought her a house in Scottdale, Arizona plus countless other gifts (other than himself).
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The World Series of Legal Battles: The U.S. Government vs. Barry Bonds
During Barry Bond's playing career, he made 9 post-season appearances with both the Pittsburgh Pirates
(3) and San Francisco Giants
He made only one World Series
appearance. It was the 2002 World Series
, when his Giants faced the Anaheim Angels
and lost 4 games to 3 in a thrilling championship.
During the 2002 World Series
, Barry Bonds exploded with an incredible display of offensive fire-power. Consider these stats:
Even with that offensive output, you could say the Angels tried to pitch around Bonds. And the Angels did - he had a total of 13 walks during the series.
Now, Barry Bonds is several years from his last year in baseball (2007) and his last plate appearance. Yet, once again, he has entered the world stage - a World Series of Legal Battles.
How will Barry Bonds and his legal team do? How will he hit? How will he score?
Will Barry Bonds walk?
He made only one World Series
During the 2002 World Series
BA .471
SLG 1.294
HR 4
Even with that offensive output, you could say the Angels tried to pitch around Bonds. And the Angels did - he had a total of 13 walks during the series.
Now, Barry Bonds is several years from his last year in baseball (2007) and his last plate appearance. Yet, once again, he has entered the world stage - a World Series of Legal Battles.
How will Barry Bonds and his legal team do? How will he hit? How will he score?
Will Barry Bonds walk?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Barry Bonds’ attorneys seek to exclude voice mails in perjury trial
Barry Bonds
’ lawyers in his perjury trial are objecting to the introduction of voice mails the former baseball star left with his girlfriend.
Complete ESPN Article
Complete ESPN Article
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The 10 Most Corrupt College Athletic Programs >> The Lady Sportswriter
The 10 Most Corrupt College Athletic Programs ~ The Lady Sportswriter
With former players like Reggie Jackson
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Judge Illston: Former players to testify at Bonds trial (again)
Once again, to make it perfectly clear to Barry Bonds' attorneys, Barry Bonds
Barry Bonds'
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A selection of Barry Bonds' comments regarding PED use:
- "Doctors ought to quit worrying about what ballplayers are taking. What players take doesn't matter. It's nobody else's business. The doctors should spend their time looking for cures for cancer. It takes more than muscles to hit homers. If all those guys were using stuff, how come they're not all hitting homers?" -- May 21, 2002, Associated Press
- "No. I don't have to [use steroids]. I mean, I'm a good enough ballplayer as it is. I don't need to be any better. I can't get any better at this age." -- June 2002, On the Record with Bob Costas
- "I never asked. When he said it was flaxseed oil, I just said, 'Whatever.' It was in the ballpark.. in front of everybody. I mean, all the reporters, my teammates, I mean they all saw it. I didn't hide it." -- Dec. 4, 2003, during grand jury testimony, according to the San Francisco Chronicle
- "I don't know Tim Montgomery. I've never met him. When accusations come from someone you don't even know, what can you do?" They'll be talking to my lawyer." -- June 25, 2004 to USA TODAY in response to allegations from a former world-class sprinter that he received steroids from BALCO
- "All you guys lied! All of y'all and the story have lied. Should you have asterisks behind your name? All of you lied. All of you have said something wrong. All of you have dirt. When your closet's clean, then come clean somebody else's." -- Feb. 22, 2005, first public comments after testimony was leaked
- "I don't know if steroids are going to help you in baseball. I just don't believe it. I don't believe steroids can help eye-hand coordination [and] technically hit a baseball." -- Feb. 22, 2005, first public comments after testimony was leaked
- "You wanted me to jump off the bridge; I finally have jumped. You wanted to bring me down, you've finally brought me and my family down. You've finally done it. So now go kick a different person. I'm done. I'll do the best I can and that's about it. [I'm talking about] inner hurt. I'm physically, mentally done. I'm mentally drained. Tired of my kids crying." -- March 23, 2005 on MLB
- "I went through the system. And that's what it is. And that's what I got. I went through the system. I'm in an appeal process right now. I was never convicted of steroids. Do I have any regrets? What happened happened. It's there. It is what it is. I live with it. I'm a convicted felon for obstruction of justice, and that's who I am. I live with it." -- May 29, 2012
- "I gave my life and soul to that game. That's what's heartbreaking. That's the hard part of it." -- May 30, 2012 on MLB
- "Not winning? [the 2002 World Series] It doesn't stick with me anymore. Right now, it's just good to see everyone and have a good time. Win or lost, it's nice just to come home and reminisce with each other." -- July 1, 2012
- "Oh, without a doubt. There's not a doubt in my mind." -- August 6, 2012