It was a nine-year relationship with mistress Kimberly Bell.
On Wednesday of this week, Federal prosecutors released transcripts and recordings of voicemails Barry Bonds
The recordings went from nice, to profane, to abusive.
Here is a small sample messages from the leading home run
Hello? I’m working out right now, but I’m calling you to wish you a happy, happy, happy, happy Valentine’s, ‘cause you worth all that and all them wishes. Love to you baby, peace.
Hey honey bunny, what’s going on? ... I haven’t called you in a couple of days because I’ve been stuck with one car and I’ve been getting dropped off at the ballpark, and once I get to work, I don’t think about calling nobody.
Yo – pick up the phone. That means you’re not home. That means you’re up to something you ain’t supposed to. I’m supposed to know where you go, later.
I’ll call you a little later after I do this commercial shoot, but they said you were gone, so you better explain to me where the f—- you are!
I’ll find you. Now my blood temperature is rising.
Kim, it’s 6:36. Now I done called three times. You, I mean you can’t even explain it, mother. I’m pissed, ‘cause I already called you at work, so you’re not at f---ing work, either!
Yo! Do not leave that house ‘til you hear from me! Okay? Bye.
Kim, I just paged you, now I’m pissed. F-- it, I don’t give a f-- what, you better just find me. Well, why don’t you just page me, however, I’ll find you. But if I page you, your ass better drop every f--g thing and call me back!
Roid rage? Maybe. This is the loving boyfriend that bought her a house in Scottdale, Arizona plus countless other gifts (other than himself).
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